PAYG: What Business Owners and Investors Need to Know

by | Nov 28, 2024

PAYG, or Pay As You Go, is Australia’s system for tax withholding and instalments designed to help you meet your tax obligations throughout the year. Whether you’re running a business, managing property investments, or overseeing an SMSF, PAYG ensures you stay compliant and avoid a hefty tax bill at the end of the year. By understanding and managing PAYG correctly, you can maintain a healthier cash flow and steer clear of unnecessary penalties. 

What is PAYG Withholding? 

PAYG withholding requires employers to withhold tax from specific payments, such as wages and contractor payments, and remit these amounts to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO). This system helps your employees meet their tax obligations gradually and manageably. 

  • Your Obligations: You are legally required to register for PAYG withholding, withhold the correct amounts, and regularly submit these payments to the ATO. 
  • Payments Covered: PAYG withholding typically applies to wages, bonuses, compensation payments, retirement payments, and certain payments to foreign residents. 

What is PAYG Instalments? 

PAYG instalments allow you to pay tax on your net investment earnings or business profits progressively throughout the year, rather than in a single lump sum in the end. This approach helps you manage your cash flow and avoid financial strain during tax time. 

  • Who It Applies To: The ATO will notify you if you’re required to pay PAYG instalments, based on your income and tax obligations. You will be automatically included in the PAYG instalments system if you are an individual (such as a sole trader) or a trust and meet these requirements: your most recent tax return reports instalment income of at least $4,000, and your latest notice of assessment shows tax payable of $1,000 or higher. 
  • Calculation Methods: You can calculate your PAYG instalments using an income percentage set by the ATO or by determining an instalment amount based on your own calculations. 

How to Register for PAYG 

To meet your PAYG obligations, you’ll need to register for PAYG withholding and/or instalments if eligible. Here’s what you need to know: 

  1. Process: You can register online through the ATO Business Portal, by phone, or with the help of your accountant. 
  2. Associated Costs: While registering for PAYG doesn’t have direct fees, you might incur bookkeeping costs if unfamiliar with the related payroll and reporting process. 

How to Calculate PAYG Withholding and Instalments 

Accurate calculation of PAYG withholding and instalments is essential for meeting obligations and avoiding penalties. 

  • PAYG Withholding Calculator: The ATO provides a PAYG withholding calculator that assists employers in determining the correct amounts to withhold from wages and other payments. 
  • Calculating PAYG Instalments: PAYG instalments can be calculated based on the ATO’s income percentage or a quarterly instalment amount. This can be particularly useful for businesses that experience seasonal income fluctuations. 

 Reporting and Paying PAYG to the ATO 

Once registered, it’s essential to understand how and when to report and pay PAYG withholding and instalments. 

  • Lodging PAYG Statements: PAYG is generally reported through your business activity statements (BAS) or instalment activity statements (IAS). These are typically lodged monthly or quarterly. 
  • Payment Options: The ATO accepts payments via direct debit, BPAY, credit card, and through online services like MyGov. 
  • Due Dates and Penalties: Payments are generally due on the same day as BAS / IAS lodgment deadlines. Late payments may result in penalties and interest charges. 

Frequently Asked Questions about PAYG 

Q: How is PAYG different from GST?
A: GST is a consumption tax on goods and services, while PAYG is an income tax system for withholding and instalments. PAYG relates to income tax, whereas GST applies to sales and consumption. 

Q: What happens if I miss a PAYG instalment?
A: Missing a PAYG instalment may result in interest charges and penalties. It’s essential to meet lodgment and payment deadlines to avoid additional costs. 

Q: Can I adjust my PAYG instalments if my income changes?
A: Yes, if your income changes significantly, you can request to vary your instalment amount or rate via the BAS / IAS form submission. 

We’re here to help 

Understanding and managing PAYG obligations is crucial for businesses and investors looking to maintain compliance and avoid unexpected tax liabilities. By making regular withholding and instalment payments, businesses can build tax compliance into their operations, making tax time less stressful. If you need assistance with PAYG registration, calculations, or lodgments, our team at Chan & Naylor is here to help—contact us today to learn more about how we can support your PAYG needs. 

About Chan & Naylor  

Established in 1990, Chan & Naylor has been a trusted partner for thousands of businesses and investors across Australia. Choosing Chan & Naylor means you’re not just selecting a service provider; you’re gaining a partner aligned with your business goals. You’ll have access to a dedicated client manager supported by a team of accountants that specialises in business tax and investments. Contact us today so we can discuss how we can help you.  


This article serves as general information only and may not account for the unique circumstances of individual readers. For personalised and strategic solutions tailored to your specific situation, we invite you to seek professional advice from Chan & Naylor. Our highly experienced team is dedicated to helping you navigate the complexities of Australian taxation, ensuring that your financial strategies align with the latest regulations. Contact us today to embark on a path of informed and customised tax planning for your property investments.

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