Director Identification Number

Director Identification Number

Company directors need to verify their identity as part of a new director identification number (director ID) requirement. A director ID is a unique identifier that a director will apply for once and keep forever – which will help prevent the use of false or...
Microgrants and JobSaver Update – NSW

Microgrants and JobSaver Update – NSW

Ongoing Support for NSW Businesses | JobSaver and Micro Grants New South Wales businesses will still be able to obtain financial support from the NSW Government as a result of the Covid-19 lockdown but there are important changes to the grants system that business...
5 Lessons for the Property Investor

5 Lessons for the Property Investor

Tips for Property Investors In 1949 the book ‘The Intelligent Investor’ was published by Benjamin Graham, an iconic book on investment psychology and long term gratification – both key traits for astute investors. The book focuses on longer-term and...
How you can claim thousands in tax deductions

How you can claim thousands in tax deductions

Claim thousands in tax deductions off your property tax bill Just because June 30 has been and gone, property investors don’t need to wait another financial year to get a tax depreciation schedule. Even if a schedule is ordered after the end of a financial year (FY),...