News & Articles

Whether you’re looking to stay ahead of tax updates, seeking strategic advice to propel your business forward, or exploring financial best practices for your investment property, our curated content is designed to empower and inform. Dive into our comprehensive collection of articles and equip yourself with the knowledge to navigate the financial landscape with confidence.

Why the Current Superfund Rules Are Fair

Why the Current Superfund Rules Are Fair

When Morrison, as treasurer, limited Super to $1.7m (together with a spouse $3.4m), that meant a 5% return earned $170K in tax-free income (for a couple) and $85K for a single, was sufficient to live on and reversed Superfunds from a tax avoidance vehicle to a genuine...

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Top 10 Tax Deductions for Small Businesses

Top 10 Tax Deductions for Small Businesses

Running a business is always challenging. Between inventory, paperwork, and taxes, having your own business can sometimes feel like an uphill battle. But don't let the confusion of filing tax returns get you down, small business owners can take advantage of plenty of...

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Fixed vs Variable Mortgage Rates – What should I do?

Fixed vs Variable Mortgage Rates – What should I do?

Now more than ever, the question of fixed rates versus variable rates has become a hot topic of conversation. So how do you decide whether to your fix your home loan or not? Whether you are embarking on a new journey of property ownership with a new mortgage, or...

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Why SMSF to Invest in Property

Why SMSF to Invest in Property

Recently, the government has proposed higher taxes on Superfunds and limitations on the amounts allowed to be held in a SMSF. In my opinion, this would be a serious long-term mistake, as it may discourage people from becoming self-sufficient and force them to rely on...

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A New Compliance Storm – Director Penalties

A New Compliance Storm – Director Penalties

New figures from the ATO reveal that it issued 18,500 Director Penalty Notices (DPNs) in 2022 and disclosed the tax debts of almost 500 businesses to credit referral agencies. This new weapon waved in $714 million tax debt payment for the Government agency, and an...

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Setting Up a Family Trust in Australia

Setting Up a Family Trust in Australia

When it comes to tax planning and asset protection, trusts are one of the many structures available to any businesses or property investors. For families, a family trust has been a popular vehicle to protect the family’s assets and manage or take advantage of any tax...

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Should I invest in a House or Apartment?

Should I invest in a House or Apartment?

Property Investors have always asked the age-old question:  House or Apartment, which is the better investment? Let’s take a closer look. Capital Growth Land is the most valuable asset and a rare commodity. If you own a substantial plot of land in a highly...

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Federal Budget 2020 | Business Tax Changes

Federal Budget 2020 | Business Tax Changes

The Budget has introduced temporary measures intending to stimulate business investment and deliver further cash flow benefits. Key insights To assist eligible businesses impacted by COVID-19, temporary tax loss carry-back measures have been introduced to offset...

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Business Survival & Adaptation Package

Business Survival & Adaptation Package

Welcome to Part Three of The Business Support Fund – Expansion. If small business has a choice, I am sure that they would prefer to have not been affected over the past six months by COVID-19 and would like to operate under normal circumstances like many other small...

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Has your business made a tax loss this year?

Has your business made a tax loss this year?

An understatement is that this has certainly been a difficult year, and we are certainly seeing that many businesses have made a tax loss. A tax loss is when the total deductions you can claim, excluding gifts and donations, are greater than your total income for any...

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Have you received a government payment or grant?

Have you received a government payment or grant?

IF your business has received a grant or payment from the Australian Government or a State or Territory Government, you may need to include it in your tax return. Some grants and payments are assessable income and so need to be included in your tax return. Grants and...

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Marketing vs Selling – What is the Difference?

Marketing vs Selling – What is the Difference?

During these unprecedented times, I have had many questions from small business owners around what they can or should be doing? My answer to that is to do marketing, and then do more marketing. It will pay massive dividends down the track. It’s a bit like planting...

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3 Smart Ways To Manage Personal and Business Cash Flow

3 Smart Ways To Manage Personal and Business Cash Flow

Managing your personal or business cash flow is the cornerstone of any financial plan. Even without COVID-19, poor cash flow management can lead to expensive failure not just in business but also in your personal wealth creation journey. Now that we’re all facing...

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ASIC Company Fees From 1 July 2020

ASIC Company Fees From 1 July 2020

Each year, ASIC Company Fees, consistent with the value of Consumer Price Index (CPI), increase effective 1 July. This year, the ASIC has advised of the increase. Below is the comparison of current ASIC Company Fees and the fees that will apply from 1 July 2020. ASIC...

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Have you considered setting up a SMSF?

Have you considered setting up a SMSF?

Reasons for setting up an SMSF Most people invest their Superannuation in Retail or Industry Superfunds with their employers making contributions of Super guarantee contributions and sometimes salary sacrifice. Fund managers then make investment selection on behalf of...

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Now Is The Right Time To Invest In Property

Now Is The Right Time To Invest In Property

Should you invest in property this 2020 while there is a pandemic? As people the world over panic and the economy grinds to a terrible halt with Australian property experts painting a grim future for the property market, you most probably have set aside your plans to...

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Melbourne House Price Trends At A Time Of COVID-19

Melbourne House Price Trends At A Time Of COVID-19

Melbourne house prices are proving to be stable even in the midst of the pandemic. But it’s not without rhyme or reason that, while other sectors and even other property markets across Australia have declined, Melbourne house prices are holding. Property market...

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New Property Investment Benefits

New Property Investment Benefits

The BMT Tax Depreciation 2019 investor survey revealed that 63 per cent of investors prefer to invest in second-hand property. While second-hand properties are a valuable and more affordable investment, it’s important to consider the additional benefits of buying...

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Appreciate the Benefits of Claiming Property Depreciation

Appreciate the Benefits of Claiming Property Depreciation

Did you know that property depreciation is the second biggest tax deduction for investors, after interest? Despite this fact, 80 per cent of property investors are failing to take advantage of property depreciation and are therefore missing out on thousands of dollars...

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