News & Articles

Whether you’re looking to stay ahead of tax updates, seeking strategic advice to propel your business forward, or exploring financial best practices for your investment property, our curated content is designed to empower and inform. Dive into our comprehensive collection of articles and equip yourself with the knowledge to navigate the financial landscape with confidence.

A Comprehensive Guide to Employee Share Scheme

A Comprehensive Guide to Employee Share Scheme

What are Employee Share Schemes?  Employee Share Schemes (ESS) refer to programs initiated by companies to offer their employees the opportunity to acquire shares or an ownership interest in the company. These schemes are designed to incentivise and reward employees...

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The ATO’s Legal Win Over SingTel

The ATO’s Legal Win Over SingTel

The Australian Tax Office (ATO) has secured a noteworthy win in court against SingTel regarding its purchase of Optus, marking a significant moment for tax compliance among multinational corporations. This victory underscores the necessity for companies to adhere to...

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Guide to SMSF: Compliance and Restrictions

Guide to SMSF: Compliance and Restrictions

What is SMSF?  An SMSF, or Self-Managed Super Fund, is a private superannuation fund that you manage yourself. It's a way for individuals to save for their retirement, offering greater control over investment choices, such as stocks, real estate, and other assets....

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Tax Guide for Lawyers

Tax Guide for Lawyers

Understanding the nuances of tax deductions is critical for lawyers, particularly with the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) increasing scrutiny on expense claims. That's why it's crucial for you, as a lawyer, to understand what you can and cannot claim to ensure...

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FBT Exemptions for Electric Vehicles

FBT Exemptions for Electric Vehicles

What is Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT)? Fringe Benefits Tax, commonly known as FBT, is a tax employers pay on certain benefits they provide to their employees, including their employees' family or other associates. The benefit may be in addition to, or part of, their...

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What happens if you don’t pay your council rates?

What happens if you don’t pay your council rates?

What are Council Rates? Council Rates in Australia are local taxes levied by municipal or local governments on property owners. These rates are typically based on the land value of the property. The main purpose of council rates is to fund local services and...

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How to find my ABN?

How to find my ABN?

What is an ABN?  An Australian Business Number (ABN) is a unique 11-digit identifier that allows businesses in Australia to interact with various government departments, including the Australian Taxation Office (ATO), and the community. It's used for various tax and...

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How to Grow Your SMSF

How to Grow Your SMSF

What is SMSF?  A Self-Managed Super Fund (SMSF) is a way for Australians to take more control of their retirement savings. Unlike traditional super funds, an SMSF allows its members to be trustees, making wider ranging decisions about investments and managing the fund...

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How to Claim Fuel Tax Credits for Businesses

How to Claim Fuel Tax Credits for Businesses

What are Fuel Tax Credits? Fuel tax credits are a financial return for businesses to offset the cost of fuel tax, including excise or customs duty, on fuel used in business operations like running machinery, equipment, heavy vehicles, and light vehicles on private...

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When should businesses do record-keeping?

When should businesses do record-keeping?

What is record-keeping? Record-keeping is the systematic organisation of all business financial activities, crucial for depicting your business' fiscal health. It involves documenting transactions, managing payroll, and ensuring compliance with financial and...

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Cryptocurrency Regulations are on its way

Cryptocurrency Regulations are on its way

Australia will create a licencing framework for cryptocurrency exchanges and consider launching a retail central bank digital currency as part of the biggest overhaul of its A$650 billion-a-day ($463 billion) payments industry in a quarter of a century There has been...

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Director Identification Number

Director Identification Number

Company directors need to verify their identity as part of a new director identification number (director ID) requirement. A director ID is a unique identifier that a director will apply for once and keep forever – which will help prevent the use of false or...

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Microgrants and JobSaver Update – NSW

Microgrants and JobSaver Update – NSW

Ongoing Support for NSW Businesses | JobSaver and Micro Grants New South Wales businesses will still be able to obtain financial support from the NSW Government as a result of the Covid-19 lockdown but there are important changes to the grants system that business...

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NSW Government COVID-19 Support Payments

NSW Government COVID-19 Support Payments

NSW  Government COVID-19 | Lockdown Support Payments The NSW Government is offering 3 types of financial support to businesses across NSW as part of the COVID-19 support package: JobSaver payment COVID-19 micro-business grant COVID-19 business grant. Comparison of the...

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Business Tax Planning Tips

Business Tax Planning Tips

While planning of any kind has been challenging over the past 12 months, tax time remains a certainty for all businesses and individuals who are working from despite the easing of Covid-19 restrictions. Tax planning should be a key element of your business and...

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Federal Budget 2021 – Business Owners

Federal Budget 2021 – Business Owners

A  number of important measures  were announced to more broadly support business taxpayers. These measures will support businesses to invest and grow, remove unintended consequences and reduce compliance costs.  Extension of temporary full expensing measure A one year...

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Single Touch Payroll Changes

Single Touch Payroll Changes

Single Touch Payroll Reporting | ATO changes The Tax Office has laid out some of the major changes to reporting for businesses under Phase 2 of Single Touch Payroll (STP). The federal government said in the 2019–20 budget that Single Touch Payroll would be expanded to...

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End of JobKeeper – Undertaking a Business Health Check

End of JobKeeper – Undertaking a Business Health Check

On March 29th the JobKeeper scheme, came to an end. JobKeeper represented the largest direct stimulus the federal government provided Australia during the coronavirus pandemic with a total cost of $101billion over the 12-month period the scheme operated. In tandem,...

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SME Recovery Loan Scheme | Does your Business Qualify?

SME Recovery Loan Scheme | Does your Business Qualify?

SME Recovery Loan Scheme | Does your Business Qualify? The Government’s SME Recovery Loan Scheme is designed to support the economic recovery, and to provide continued assistance, to firms currently on JobKeeper. The Government will work with lenders to ensure that...

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What is Management Accounting and Why It Matters

What is Management Accounting and Why It Matters

Management accounting is the method of putting together administration reports and accounts to promptly provide precise financial information to business managers so that they can make informed short-term and long-term decisions. It determines, examines, interprets,...

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COVID-19 – Will There Be a Tsunami of Insolvencies?

COVID19 Insolvency Wave – To be or not to be?   On March 12 2020 the World Health organisation declared Covid19 a pandemic. In May 2020, Australia had 7,195 active cases of COVID nationally and Australian businesses were facing an uncertain future. Various media...

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Rental Tips for Property Investors

Rental Tips for Property Investors

Six Things To Do Before Renting Out Your Home Are you thinking about moving to a new house but want to hold onto your current property? Turning it into an investment for the short or long-term can be a good option while increasing your cash flow. But before you do,...

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Top 10 Aussie cities foreign buyers are enquiring about.

The Top 10 Australian cities foreign property buyers have their eye on. According to JUWAI IQI’s Top Countries 2020 report, the Australian market is the second most popular destination for Asian property buyers, accounting for 13.7 per cent of buyer activity. “Asian...

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To TRUST or not to TRUST for Property Investments

To TRUST or not to TRUST for Property Investments

There are a lot of comments made that are either untrue or wrong or made due to a misunderstanding but they evolve into rumours that confuse. Just as its wrong to say that everyone needs a Trust it’s also wrong to say that no one needs a TRUST. There are many...

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5 Ways to Minimise Land Tax

5 Ways to Minimise Land Tax

Land Tax is a state impost and different states have different rules and thresholds. For every property investor, it represents a significant cost to owning an investment property. But there are smart things you could do to legally minimise land tax (in conjunction...

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5 Tips for Property Investors

As you start your property investing journey, you will find different opinions in every corner and an overwhelming amount of information. The secret to getting on the front foot is keeping it simple. Determine your investment strategy It’s important to establish your...

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Rental property sale expenses – deduct or capitalise?

Rental property sale expenses – deduct or capitalise?

Are you a taxpayer buying or selling a rental property? When a taxpayer buys or sells a rental property the question that often arises is which expenses must be capitalised and which can be claimed immediately. Its important for an property investor to understand how...

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When Is A Repair An Improvement?

When Is A Repair An Improvement?

The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has issued a number of warnings recently indicating that rental property owners should be careful when claiming deductions. Common errors made by rental property owners highlighted by the ATO include claiming rental deductions for...

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A Guide to Stamp Duty and Land Tax

A Guide to Stamp Duty and Land Tax

Stamp Duty and Land Tax Calculator We would like to remind all our clients with investment properties about their land tax obligations. It can be very confusing as each state varies in terms of threshold, rate applicable depending on ownership structure and the date...

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Free Download: 2021 Financial Year Tax Calendar

Free Download: 2021 Financial Year Tax Calendar

Need a Tax Calendar to help you keep track of tax deadlines and meet other tax compliance obligations for the next Financial Year? Get your FREE Tax Calendar for 2021 Financial Year here! This Tax Calendar highlights important dates that are applicable for the...

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Income Tax Return Assistance

Income Tax Return Assistance

Preparation and lodgement of Income Tax Returns and Financial Statements take some form of urgency with the conclusion of the Financial Year. To help assist you with gathering the necessary documents and information, we have created a tailored checklist for your...

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Fringe Benefits Tax Exemptions

Fringe Benefits Tax Exemptions

Fringe Benefits Tax exemptions are now available for Australian businesses affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. To provide certainty and relief to businesses at this time of pandemic, the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has introduced various tax measures, and of these...

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